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Veranstaltung auf dem Hofnarr

27. JULI 19:00 UHR

From the streets to the farms

Two activist meet, two activists talk. Two activists agree on the point that we should make change instead of asking for it but they both have a few crucial questions to ask each other. This talk will be the chance for all of you to get the answers on the way to animal liberation and beyond …

Jake Conroy, a very experienced AR activist (check out his biography) claims that the focus within the AR movement is more and more on individual lifestyle changes whilst the numbers of animals slaughtered every year continues to rise. He is convinced that we need to focus our pressure on corporations and industries rather than relying on the individual only. Looking at previous animal rights campaigns as well as campaigns in other movements, we can begin to see how real world change is possible.

Sarah Heiligtag AR activist and (philosophical) farmer holds the position that sustainable change can only be achieved by transforming farms into organic vegan farms. For, while we all talk about the need of change, we easily forget that our food will always have to come from agriculture and only if change sets in there, we can overcome animal agriculture. Moreover farmers need to see the chance of this nonviolent way of working the land instead of being threatened by the vegan idea. So while we want to abolish animal exploitation we need to show how this new type of agriculture can take its place.

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Hof Narr

Güetlistrasse 45

8132 Egg

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