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Die neusten Recherchen von Pete Undercover- Kameramann zeigen die an der Tagesordnung herrschende Brutalität den Tieren gegenüber. Und was für ein schrecklicher Arbeitsort für diese Menschen, genau gleich wie auf dem Schlachthof.
Bitte kauf kein Leder mehr. Tragt das alte aus und bei neuem Gebrauch entscheidet euch für eine lederfreie Variante oder eine Imitation:
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Mit deiner bewussten Entscheidung kannst du etwas bewirken und für weniger Leid sorgen. Hier einige inspirierende Links zum Thema:
2. Making Leather and Meat Better
3. Do You Know What You`r Wearing?
4. Winter is coming – und du suchst noch das passende Schuhwerk?
5. Bestell dir deine vegane Handtasche bei Vegangle
No Bones No Blood @ kitchen
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Ital or I-tal (/ˈaɪtɑːl/ eye-tahl) is food often celebrated by those in the Rastafari movement. It is compulsory in the Nyabinghi mansion though not in the Twelve Tribes of Israel or Remi mansions. The word derives from the English word „vital“, with the initial syllable replaced by i.[1]This is done to many words in the Rastafari vocabulary to signify the unity of the speaker with all of nature. Rastafari derive their beliefs and morality from intense personal meditations and prayer, and therefore there is no single dogma of Rastafari belief.[2] Due to this emphasis on individual personal meditation in Rastafari, the expression of Ital eating varies widely from Rasta to Rasta, and there are few universal „rules“ of Ital living.
Rastafari |
The primary goal of adhering to an Ital diet is to increase Livity, or the life energy that Rastafari generally believe lives within all human beings, as conferred from the Almighty.[3] A common tenet of Rastafari beliefs is the sharing of a central Livity among living things, and what is put into one’s body should enhance Livity rather than reduce it. Though there are different interpretations of ital regarding specific foods, the general principle is that food should be natural, or pure, and from the earth; Rastafari therefore often avoid food which is chemically modified or contains artificial additives (e.g., colour, flavourings, and preservatives). Some also avoid added salt in foods, especially salt with the artificial addition of iodine, while pure sea or kosher salt is eaten by some. In strict interpretations, foods that have been produced using chemicals such as pesticides and fertilizer are not considered ital.[4] Early adherents adopted their dietary laws based on their interpretation of several books of the Bible, including the Book of Genesis („Then God said, „I give you every Seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.“ (Genesis 1:29)), the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Along with growing dreadlocks and the sacramental smoking of ganja, observing a vegetarian diet is one of the practices early Rastafari adopted from Indian Hindu indentured servants living in Jamaica. Rastafari’s unofficial founder Leonard Howell, affectionately called „Gong“ and „Gyangunguru Maragh,“ though not of Indian descent, was fascinated with Hindu practices and was instrumental in promoting a plant-based diet in the Rastafari community of Pinnacle.
Quelle: Wikipedia hier.
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Von Menschen und anderen Tieren
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Wha Me Eat?
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Making the Connection
Cowspiracy-The Sustainability Secret
Your privilege, what’s up with that?
Fragt M.I.A. in Borders, ihrem neusten Song, in Richtung der gutbürgerlichen Gleichgültigkeit. Seht her, so leicht ist es, klug und cool über Polizeigewalt, Armut und Flüchtlingskrise zu singen. So einfach ist es, Bilder zu schaffen, die nicht aus dem Werbevideo einer Hilfsorganisation stammen könnten und gerade deswegen eindrücklich sind. Aber „Borders“, so der Titel des in der vergangenen Woche veröffentlichten Songs der britischen Rapperin, muss nicht nur anderen Künstlern weh tun. Sondern in erster Linie: uns: Dass wir das, was da gerade passiert in der Welt, einfach so Wutlos und Mutlos hinnehmen ist Thema und soll uns heraus fordern. Quelle Süddeutsche Zeitung
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Lyrics / Text/ ganzer Song / Musicvideo:
I don’t need ‚em
Where’s your rhythm?
This world needs a brand new rhythm
We done the key
We done them key them to lie
Let’s beat ‚em
We them smartphones done beat ‚em
What’s up with that?
What’s up with that?
Police shots
What’s up with that?
What’s up with that?
Your privilege
What’s up with that?
Broke people
What’s up with that?
Boat people
What’s up with that?
The realness
What’s up with that?
The new world
What’s up with that?
I’m gonna keep up on all that
Guns blow doors to the system
Yeah f*ck ‚em when we say we’re not with them
We’re solid and we don’t need to kick them
This is North, South, East and Western
Guns blow doors to the system
Yeah f*ck ‚em when we say we’re not with them
We’re solid and we don’t need to kick them
This is North, South, East and Western
What’s up with that?
Killin‘ it
What’s up with that?
Slayin‘ it
What’s up with that?
Your goals
What’s up with that?
Bein‘ bae
What’s up with that?
Makin‘ money
What’s up with that?
Breakin‘ internet
What’s up with that?
Love wins
What’s up with that?
Livin‘ it
What’s up with that?
Bein‘ real
What’s up with that?
Guns blow doors to the system
Yeah f*ck ‚em when we say we’re not with them
We’re solid and we don’t need to kick them
This is North, South, East and Western
We’re representing peeps
Let them play us on the air
When we’re talking in our sleep, does it listen on a system?
We’re sittin‘ in the stoop
Where we get our scoop
This is how we keep it cool and this is how we do
We’re representing peeps
Let them play us on the air
When we’re talking in our sleep, does it listen on a system?
We’re sittin‘ in the stoop
Where we get our scoop
This is how we keep it cool and this is how we do
What’s up with that?
Your values
What’s up with that?
Your beliefs
What’s up with that?
Your families
What’s up with that?
What’s up with that?
Your future
What’s up with that?
My boys
What’s up with that?
My girls
What’s up with that?
What’s up with that?
Your power
What’s up with that?
Guns blow doors to the system
Yeah f*ck ‚em when we say we’re not with them
We’re solid and we don’t need to kick them
This is North, South, East and Western
Guns blow doors to the system
Yeah f*ck ‚em when we say we’re not with them
We’re solid and we don’t need to kick them
This is North, South, East and Western
We’re representing peeps
Let them play us on the air
When we’re talking in our sleep, does it listen on a system?
We’re sittin‘ in the stoop
Where we get our scoop
This is how we keep it cool and this is how we do
We’re representing peeps
Let them play us on the air
When we’re talking in our sleep, does it listen on a system?
We’re sittin‘ in the stoop
Where we get our scoop
This is how we keep it cool and this is how we do
Der Song endet mit „Gonna keep up on all that,
Gonna be doing it like that“
Deshalb, sag nein zur Gleichgültigkeit.
Was du tun kannst: hier.
Wo du hin kommen solltest: hier.
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