Opulente, rein pflanzliche Caterings & Kochkurse

Ein Catering ab 60 Gästen, oder sehr exklusive kleine Anlässe, sowie private Kochkurse ab 10 Teilnehmern könne direkt per E-mail oder Telefon angefragt werden unter catering@futurecuisine.ch 079 541 41 66.

4 Hand Collaboration Dinner with Fabian and Lauren

2 december plant based future cuisine menu @ maison manesse
CHF 140.- pro Pers. exkl. Getränke, Platzzahl beschränkt, Anmeldungen per Email auf info@vegankitchen.ch
Our first jewish Wedding Catering

Our first Jewish wedding established: we have keeping kosher without sacrificing style! @ Villa Wenkerhof in Basel for 200 Guests.

We made
We have hosted our first kosher wedding and have mastered the art of creating exotic and inventive, creative dishes that are every bit as appetizing as what’s offered by their non-vegan counterparts. Non-vegan guests will never have to know the difference, allowing everyone to be able to enjoy the same cruelty- free fantastic meal.
Fotos by Jost Wildbolz


by Jost Wildbolz
Klimafestival Zürich 2019
Team of the Future Cuisine

Flashback from 17th of Mai 2019 @ Food Zurich, this was our Team for the 10 Course Menu. We have served 60