Category: Snapshot

Am I a real Italian?


I’m currently on vacation in Naples, and I can’t pass up the chance to eat a juicy pizza. Naples is considered the hometown of pizza, so it is not surprising that there are still many traditional pizzerias that bake their pizzas according to strict rules. Luckily, the pizzaiolo at my favorite pizzeria is very flexible and always prepares my “vegan patty pizza” with love: Pizza with lots of tomato sauce, onions, corn and mushrooms, plus an antipasto with grilled zucchini, eggplant and pumpkin strips. Cover the whole pizza with the strips and enjoy: buon appetito!!! (I now skillfully ignore the indignant looks from my neighbors at the table).





Pizza Patty

Patty’s Tip:

When making antipasto, always ask whether it is really prepared with olive oil(ital. olio d’oliva) and not still traditionally with pork fat(ital. strutto).

Waste causes considerable damage to the health of grazing animals!


It’s not just dog excrement that is left on the meadows. Beverage cans and other waste are increasingly causing problems. Cows have also died in this way or had to be euthanized due to waste-related incidents. This problem has led to the existence of boards with the title “Waste kills animals”. These warning notices are placed in a specific location for a very limited period of time, i.e. one to a maximum of two weeks. They then change location. Such warning signs are intended to make walkers aware of the basic problem associated with grazing animals near the city. Today I discovered such a board during my jogging tour in Unteraffoltern, Zurich.