Tag: Bag It

Is your life too plastic?


The first of three movie nights took place yesterday at Jenseits im Viadukt. The evening was dedicated to the Refiller organization, a young and motivated community from Bern that is committed to reducing waste and using reusable materials. After a short introduction by Stefanie Derungs, founder of the Refiller Mibe, the movie “Bag it” started. This deals with the omnipresent, but far too little considered, waste problem caused by plastic products such as shopping bags, most of which cannot be recycled. The numerous guests fell silent as soon as the movie started, and from the very beginning all the attention belonged to Jeb Berrier, who accompanies the viewer through the entire film. Only occasionally could you hear the rustling of the “Vegankitchen Dinner Bag”, in which every visitor had received a snack for the movie and was now eating it with relish. The aim of the Refiller to sensitize society to the sensitive issue of disposable attitudes was definitely successful. My first step towards becoming a better person: no more disposable cups and plastic bags!

Vegankitchen Dinner Bag


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