Tag: For the eyes

Fit with parsley


If your eyes obey gravity this morning and you feel like you’ve lost a boxing match, then you’re like me…


Patty’s Tip:

Hollow out a few leaves of parsley from your herb box and everything will be fine. As a compress, the spicy herb is an ideal eyelid lifter and has a decongestant effect.



  • 2 teaspoons fresh parsley
  • 1 cup of water



Put the parsley in a heatproof bowl, bring the water to the boil and pour over the parsley. Leave the infusion to cool for at least 15 minutes, then filter.



Soak 2 cotton balls in the infusion and place on the eyes. A good opportunity to crawl back into bed for another 15 minutes. You should give the parsley enough time to soothe your eyes and reduce the swelling of your eyelids.