Category: Talk Of The Month

Refugee aid: What you can do


Image: EU flag by Banksy


I and my vegan kitchen stand up for fundamental rights: At least the right to life, liberty and integrity as defined in
Art. 3 UDHR
whether human or animal.

We have read and seen a lot about the refugees in the last few weeks.

The images of dead and washed up children on the beach robbed me of sleep or the thoughts of people locked up in a refrigerated truck gave me bad nightmares.


Big activism starts with each individual in small steps – so here are my tips on how you too can make a difference in small ways:



Dinner together

Solinetz makes it possible: people who live in Zurich and the surrounding area invite refugees to lunch or dinner. Experience shows that these encounters are very enriching for everyone. A win-win situation for hosts and guests: a refugee arrives and a person with a name and their own story, or even a friend, leaves. You can find all information


Femmes tables

Femmes-Tische of the Swiss Red Cross brings together mothers from different countries of origin. A hostess invites five to eight people from her circle of acquaintances to her home. Moderators lead the uncomplicated discussions on parenting, integration and health issues in the languages of origin of the participants. Femmes-Tische opens up new opportunities for action for the participants, promotes social networks and thus makes a significant contribution to integration. You can find all information


Donations in kind directly to Hungary

Tomorrow, on 9.09.2015 from 07:00 to 13:30 and after 17:00 and on Thursday 10.9.2015 until 11:00, the following items can be collected from Snejina Schuler-Stefanova (Tel. +41 78 825 6868 at Flühgasse 73, 8002 Zurich:

-Sleeping bags

-Bed mattresses

-Warm blankets/ comforters


-baby milk bottles

-Baby/child carriers/slings

– If you don’t have any of the desired ones at home and still want to help, a pre-pack of toiletries would be appreciated. Please put them in clean sealable plastic bags and mark them for men / women.

The following toiletries can help::

For men : soap, shower gel, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, plaster, razor.

For the ladies: Soap, shower gel, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, plaster, sanitary towels (no tampons please!)


Donations in kind in Switzerland / Reception centers

– On Thursday 10.09.15 in Zurich at Club XTRa, Limmatstrasse 118 (clothes, shoes, bags)

-Asylzentrum Altstätten SG (gladly accepts clothes, toys and shoes in good condition. When: Mon-Fri 08-17.00h bring them by without hesitation. Info from Amela Saiti)

-Refugee camp Aarwangen (according to Susanne Sapici you can drop by from 07-19.00h and bring things)

-Asylzentrum Aarau 5 (is happy to receive anything – children’s clothes in good condition, toys, etc. ) Rohrerstrasse 24, 5001 Aarau

-Asylzentrum Frauenfeld TG (mainly needs clothing for adults – there is already enough for children) Peregrina Foundation, Frauenfeld, Matzingen, Amriswil, Arbon, Romanshorn, Weinfelden and Kreuzlingen

-Asylum Center Menzingen (looking for winter clothes of all kinds, shoes, coats, backpacks, etc.) Dixionary French, Arabic etc. Always Wednesday 09.09.15 18.30-22.00h bring to the Jugi)

-Inquire at Caritas

Info from MAMALICIOUS For Refugees and
Deborah Gabriela
Shkodra: Thank you!



Donations in kind to Greece

(07.-14.09.15 in Winterthur): Helping Bags, you can find all information



Hospitality conference

How do we want to live together in a troubled world?

Thursday 26.11.2015, 13:30-17:45

Foyer St.Anton, Klosbahstrasse 36a, 8032 Zurich

More information and registration




You can also find more ideas for active help
from Debora on her Mama Leone blog.

Sonja Dänzer on Aeschbacher on SRF 1

Screenshot 2015-05-11 at 10.14.42 Screenshot 2015-05-11 at 10.15.16

On April 9th Sonja Dänzer from
Green Fairy
visited the Aeschbacher Studio.

As a philosopher and ethics doctoral student, she questioned her own consumer behavior and switched to a vegan diet. As a sweet tooth, however, she was missing something – namely ice cream that really tastes good. Sonja Dänzer spent months tinkering with recipes in her kitchen and launched ice creams made from purely plant-based ingredients under the label “The Green Fairy”. She wants to prove to the world that a vegan diet does not mean sacrificing pleasure. Instead of pointing a moral finger, she wants to convince consumers with good taste, now also with the first healthy children’s ice cream.

So here is the last program.Screenshot 2015-05-11 at 10.16.27

The youth novel JAYA is a non-violence tale of Conny Reich

Conny Reich wrote here first Novel. It is a fantasy story, actually one of a trilogy, where she tells us a tale without any violence, terror or war.The Story was already standing out with the “Non-Violence Angel Award” from Monte Carlo.

The vegan kitchen team thinks this is a real vegan fantasy book to reed for the youth and went to ask the female author a few questions about her creation and path.

1.where did you grow up?
in Bad Ragaz
2.when and what made you get into filmmaking and when and what made you get into writing?
I always loved movies and I always wanted to produce or write a story.
a lot of movies are first written as novels so i thought to write the novel first and hope that one day a producer calls me to make the movie of JAYA.
3.what’s your background?
I studied tourism back in 2001 and since then I worked in luxury hotels and as front office manager from international companies.
4.Have you done any other books before this?
5.what was the budget of the book?
there was no budget, lets put it this way; i spent a lot during the last 6 years to make it happen and as good as it is today. the quality of the book was always the most important thing for me.
6.what’s your top five favorite books?
The Neverending Story – Michael Ende
Sophie’s world – Jostein Gaarder
Conversations with God – Neal Donald Walsh
The city of dreaming books- Walter Moers
Life of Pi – Yann Martel


7.who are your biggest author influences?
Michael Ende /Jostein Gaarder/Neal Donald Walsh

8.tell me a story about the history of this book.
The main character JAYA had changed her name 3 times. first I named her Jasmin. Then a year later I liked Santa Sofia (short name) Santa. I kept the name until I worked on the script in L.A where everybody told me to take an other name than Santa (because of Santa Claus).
Growing up in Switzerland the name Santa was not as present as we have our Christkindel. So afer searching through the web i found JAYA which means victory which i liked as she has to save 2 worlds. At funny is that there are still the 2 A in the name.
9.why did you use the technique of fantasy
simply because I love fantasy and I think with fantasy you are free to create perfect new worlds and everybody buys it for that, to dive into new exciting worlds and characters.
12.what was the happiest moment of this entire event and why?
Every second of writing is the happiest. When you do what you love there are no sad moments.
13.who helped contribute to your success and how?
a lot of great souls that i ment on my way. everyone was very helpful. a lot of ppl liked the idea of a fantasy for teenies without violence.
16.what have you learned that others might not know about this issue?
in order to be successful you need to push and push the project and always belive that it will be successful one day. have fun and enjoy every moment of the creation process.
17.what did you learn from this project?
That to create something valuable for ppl needs time and love.
18.what would you have done differently if you could and why?
started earlier to write novels.
19.How does this event or issue affect the quality of your life now?
I am bussier but I like it.

20.Do you mentioned that the audience ‘got what you were trying to say’? yep absolutely.

21 How do you see yourself?
As a good person with a big heart who wants to contribute something valuable to the people before I have to go home. Something that touches there heart, which JAYA will def do.
22.What’s your next project?
Writing the second book of JAYA in 2014 which is a trilogy…

Thank you very much for this great opportunity to get you knowing better and listen to the inside-stories behind your book!

order directly her book here.

or check the
of the book.

Magic Power


Lauren and Kate

Lauren and Kate

I had the pleasure of meeting Kate Magic over a lime blossom and peppermint tea before she jetted off to Geneva for her next workshop appointment.


Kate Magic, formerly known as Kate Wood, is the author of the bestselling raw food recipe books Rawliving, Eat smart, Eat raw and Raw Magic. She is one of the UK’s leading raw food experts and one of the most popular raw food personalities in the world.
She has been following a raw diet for over 26 years, gave birth to three sons and has been giving talks on healthy eating ever since. She owns the Rawliving company, which offers information on raw food and an online store. In the meantime, she has developed/created an extensive collection of chocolate bars, cakes and other raw food products.



L: Why Kate Magic?


KM: It’s my real name on my passport.
It is easy to change your name in your passport in England.
As a teenager my name was Polly and my nickname was Magic Polly, later I was married and then divorced and didn’t want to keep my name: I went back to the name Magic.
There’s a lot to say about this, but I think it’s most important to get the magic out into the world, because magic is what we are made of, magic is what the universe is made of.
Just the fact that we’re sitting here talking is magic, having these ideas in my head and being able to form the thoughts into a word, communicate with you, you see, that’s magic!


L: So your tattoo on your decollete with the diamond also has something to do with magic?


KM: It’s my diamond heart, my pure heart.



L: Your website says: “How personal growth contributes to the bigger picture of life/ the revolution that is so urgently needed at this time.”
What exactly do you mean by that?


KM: One of my most important messages is: “be the change, be the change in the world”
Be the change! People have so much potential, people are the most fascinating thing of all and there is so much in us.
But we don’t use our full potential, our potential is suppressed, we really only live a fragment of what we could live.
We could do so much more, we could create so many beautiful things, so many wonderful things.
Our lives could be so much more fantastic and great. And we are now at this point in the human revolution where we are ready to do more, to live up to our potential.

But it takes a lot to make that happen.
There is so much unnecessary suffering in this world and so much unnecessary poverty and pain: it simply doesn’t need to be the way it is now.

You often think you have to get angry, you have to protest, you have to be sad, you have to make a drama out of things.
But I think if you really look closely: everything is a reflection of what happens inside of you and change always happens inside of you first and if we change our attitude first, then we change the whole world, we change the view of our world.
Then we can give our own special “unique ability” to the world and make the world a better place in this way. There is so much to change instead of getting angry about it.

Otherwise this is just a “contribution to negativity.”
I think everyone starts with themselves.

There is so much “positivity” we can create, the more we do it, the more we create the world we want to live in, instead of being angry that the world is not the way we want it to be. There is so much we can do to make this planet a better place: Why not start today?


L: Do you like Switzerland?


KM: “I love switzerland, i relly love it. they have the best air, i love the air.”, I love the architecture, I travel a lot and the cities I visit are always like too overrated..But Switzerland is like the image you have!
The pretty houses…When you go into the country you have all the cows with the bells on, it’s “relly lovley”, people are so “lovley” in Switzerland, I think you are the most polite people out of the Sich in general “in the posspectiv like generly polite, respect full” for example, when I arrived here at the main station and I was looking around lost, this woman can help me, ask me where I want to go! In many countries people just stress past you, but everyone here is “very consideret, maby thats that considered!”


L:What kind of sport do you do?


KM: I have been practicing Bikram Yoga for two years


L: You advertised a retreat on your website in December 2012, which took place in Thailand with yoga and raw cooking classes, as well as dancing: Tell me more about it!


KM: As part of a retreat we taught raw food, practiced Ahstanga yoga and danced.
as an improvised fun dance workshop with the yoga teacher, who is also a professional dancer
It was really “amasing dance, and very inspiring”!


L: Can you make a living from teaching?
It goes in that direction, I mean I have several side businesses: “the bubbel, the magic bubbel,” I have my books, I have my website where we sell all the products (Raw Magic), and I have the events and workshops, as well as these retreats.


L: It is certainly good to have different channels where some money comes in, if something goes a little worse you can still concentrate on the other projects.


KM: Yes, I think in this multimedia time, you have to have a presence in different areas: Not only online- where some people are, then you miss the people in real life outside.
That’s why you have the world of books, I think it’s good to get people where they want to get the information.


L: You are a sought-after woman and travel all over the world to pass on your knowledge, what is your attitude to your carbon footprint?


KM:I try to take the trains where I can, I travel a lot by train! I love to travel by train, I now take the train from Zurich to Geneva, if there is a possibility to travel on tracks I always take the train, next month I am going to America and will take the train from NYC to LA. With a little stop in Chiccago;-)
A “trainjourney” makes you really happy: it’s like my little office, I can focus, concentrate, I love to see where I’m going, I can see the country, the landscape. That would be my first commitment to a better carbon footprint, plus I never traveled my whole life until 3 years ago, I’d never been over the border of England before that, so I’ve only just started traveling-so if you look at it in comparison/balance with your whole life, my 3 years are certainly quite “everich-coolup” and thirdly, you just do what you can: it’s the nature of the world we live in, you can’t choose the lifestyle you want to live sometimes. There are so many things set up that don’t make it easy for you to be sustainable. But I’m overconfident that in the future, in the next few generations, we’ll find ways to make flying less destructive to the environment than it is today, and we’ll find things that are more realistic and make more sense than they do now.


L:Do you drink alcohol sometimes?


KM:No none.


L:When was the last time you drank and was it champagne?


KM: It was probably champagne;-)


Kate Magic pauses and has to think for a long time…


KM: To be honest, I can’t remember when.


L: It seems like a long time ago! You became a vegan over 20 years ago? And fully raw?


KM: I became vegan in 89, but without knowing it I was already almost “raw,” I reminded myself to be at least 50% raw, I just didn’t know that it was called raw food, then in 1993 I decided to live fully raw.


L: And in all these two years you also gave birth to healthy children!


KM:Gneua, there are three of them aged 9, 12 and 15!


L: where, how old are you?


KM:I am 42 years old


L: Wow, I thought you were my age, 11 years younger! Your children live in London and also only eat raw food, how does that work with school and the social environment?


Km: J we all live in Briton and the children are “homeducadet”


L: How do you handle eating Rph in winter when it’s so cold and what do you mean by that?
Eating raw food warm?

Km: Technically speaking, rRaw is still raw when heated up to 42 degrees. The point is the enzymes in it and the vitality of the food, which is not destroyed up to this Celsius degree. When food is heated above this temperature, it loses a large proportion of its enzymes, vitamins, etc.4
However, 2 degrees is really very warm, a little more than our body temperature even!
When it is below this temperature it feels cold, when it is above this temperature it starts to burn.
So if we listen carefully to our body, this is the exact temperature we like our food at when we put it in our mouth. I don’t think it’s healthy to eat cold food in our winter European climate. We have very long and dark winters and it’s just not practical to eat cold food: We heat a lot of soups, sauces, for example, if you’re on a transition to raw food and eating half cooked half raw you can’t eat your
Top the cooked hot potatoes or rice with a raw sauce to cool the dish down a little.
But yes I think when people just eat mostly cold food the pPtta *starts to interrupt the eEnergy.

L:Okey and when you say “raw food” in winter do you mean food that is up to 42 degrees from the Dehidratour (a kind of dehydrator that doesn’t get warmer than 42 degrees) or Vitamix?

KM: Yes, you can do it in different ways, you can heat water and then add it to the soup or with the Thermamix, which is not available in Switzerland (but can be ordered online) so you can set your food temperature exactly.

You can find more ideas on how to enjoy raw food in winter here on Kate’s Winter warmer Recip Ideas, have fun!

L:Dearest Kate Magic, thank you very much for the interview and I wish you a relaxed and pleasant train journey to Geneva vegan kitchen!

KM: Thank you too and see you next time here in beautiful Zurich!

Click here for the Kate Magic Rawliving Project


Recipes and the possibility of a raw food consultation subscription from Kate Magic herself!

Video interviews Kate Magic herself has made with people from the raw scene right here.

*Pitta=ENERGY in Aryuvedic medicine:
Activity and movement need energy. This is provided by Pitta. Pitta forms the basis for the activity of the digestive system and the entire metabolism. It is responsible for the intellect and controls the emotions. In the body, Pitta is located in the center, the heart, the lower part of the stomach as well as in the liver, gall bladder, spleen and small intestine.
In nature, pitta is associated with the elements fire and water.

Kate mAgic has given us another delicious recipe for the blog:

*Magic Mushrooms
. by Kate Magic

Serves two Takes two hours to marinate & two hours to dehydrate You need a dehydrator to make these
In the cold weather, it’s impotant to eat warm food. Treats like these straight out the dehydrator help keep your inner fire burning when the temperatures outside are threatening to put it out.

– 500 g (1 lb) Portobello mushrooms
– 1/2 cup olive oil
– 2 tbsp tamari
– 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
– 2 cloves garlic
– 2 tbsp Seagreens
– 1/4 cup hulled hemp

Slice the mushrooms into fat pieces, about an inch (2-3 cm) thick. Blend the olive oil, tamari, vinegar and garlic together until the garlic is completely broken up and there are no lumps left. Put the mushrooms in a large serving dish, and pour the marinade over the mushrooms. Mix together with your hands or with a fork, so the mushrooms are evenly coated. Add the Seagreens and hemp and make sure they are evenly dispersed as well.
Leave for 2-4 hours, tossing regularly to ensure an even marinade. When you’re ready, pop them in the dehydrator – they’ll have shrunk down considerably and should cover one sheet.
Dry for 2 or 3 hours, and serve warm. Chop them up and add them to salads, or serve the strips whole as a side dish.

More recipes from kate magic here


Vegan apprentice chef

Jonathan, 18, started an apprenticeship as a chef six months ago. He has been vegan for almost a year out of conviction. In this short interview, he gives us a little insight into his thoughts and his work.


Why did you decide to do an apprenticeship as a chef?

Because I wanted to have a foundation after dropping out of school, and an apprenticeship as a chef was an obvious choice for me, as food plays a central role in my life.


What does the kitchen team think of your vegan diet?

They know nothing about it.



When I was asked during lunch at my first trial apprenticeship in another company why I don’t eat meat, I replied that I eat a vegan diet. I was then asked into the boss’s office a little later. He explained to me that he doesn’t want to take on apprentices who don’t eat meat.


Didn’t he think much of your lifestyle?

No, that wasn’t the point, he found it problematic if the chef couldn’t stand behind the product with full conviction. At a buffet, for example, you have to be able to represent the product to the guest. And of course the chef also has to season his food, whether it’s vegan or not.

There are also vegetarian restaurants like Hiltl, why didn’t you apply for an apprenticeship there? apprenticeship there?

There is no vegetarian cooking theory at all, and we don’t even need to talk about a vegan one. According to the regulations, a chef must be comprehensively trained, and since meat is a great pleasure for most people, a vegetarian cooking course would be too one-sided. Since vegetarian restaurants are also rather rare, a purely vegetarian trained chef would have great difficulty finding a job, so I understand this regulation. This would probably only change if the demand for vegetarian dishes were to increase.
What is it like for you to have to eat animals, dairy products and eggs as part of your work?

Unlike other vegans, I’m not disgusted, but I’m not entirely sure if my behavior is inconsistent. Outside of work, I eat an exclusively vegan diet, but I sometimes wonder whether it’s right to separate work and leisure in this way. After all, I could have chosen a different profession. However, I could imagine that I could achieve more after completing my training.


How do you envision your professional future?

I could imagine working in a vegetarian/vegan restaurant if the opportunity arose. I am also considering launching a vegan restaurant. Considering that veganism is on the rise, this could well be an option, especially as demand is likely to increase.

The vegan ice cream princess


I met up with Sonja Dänzer, the founder of “The Green Fairy” and inventor of the delicious vegan ice cream of the same name, for an oat latte at Henrici and she let me in on a few sweet secrets.


What motivated you to found “The Green Fairy”?


When I switched from a vegetarian to a vegan diet two years ago, it was clear to me that I not only wanted to change my eating habits, but also actively do something to change the perception of our society. My approach with the delicious, beautiful ice creams from “The Green Fairy” is to convey that vegan does not mean “giving up”, but is extremely enjoyable and imaginative, and not “colorless and boring” but stylish and creative.


What else is special about the ice creams from “The Green Fairy”?


They are organic, fair trade and come in all kinds of special varieties that are not available anywhere else and change seasonally. I love the ice creams myself! My favorites are Sweet Ginger and Chocolate Peanut Butter. In the fall there will be a chestnut glacé that I can’t get enough of, and in the winter chocolate chili.


The philosophy of “The Green Fairy” summarized in three words.


Yummy, sustainability and style.


You have a three-year-old son who you feed a vegan diet. Is he doing well and does he like your ice cream creations?


My son loves the ice cream! He is a huge fan of the vanilla-cardamom variety. His health is very good, he was always one of the tallest and heaviest of his age. I have done a lot of research into the nutritional basics to make sure he gets everything he needs and recommend this to anyone feeding their child a vegan diet. The book “Becoming Vegan” by Davis/Melina is perfect for this.


Which vegan cookbook has inspired you the most in your everyday cooking?


“Vegan with a Vengeance” by Isa Chandra Moskowitz. Great book, great woman! Also highly recommended is her self-made cooking show “The Post-Punk Kitchen” on YouTube.


Your goals for the future?


I want to promote and sell the ice creams throughout Switzerland, finish my doctoral thesis on fair trade, make a living from my entrepreneurial activities at some point and be able to donate part of the income to children’s charities and PETA. I also hope that my work will inspire other people to eat a plant-based diet more often and to actively do something to spread the vegan lifestyle. And I want to create lots of new delicious vegan things, cupcakes for example, and one day open a beautiful “The Green Fairy” café…



Patty’s Tip:

The oat and vanilla frappé from Henrici (with oat milk and “The Green Fairy” vanilla ice cream), perfect for enjoying the last days of summer.

Henrici, Niederdorfstrasse 1, 8001 Zurich


Photo by Daniela Fricke


More information and points of sale at and