Category: The World of vegan Baby`s & Kid`s

Strawberry slice as a children’s dinner


500 g organic strawberries
4 tbsp raw sugar
300 g wholegrain rusks
50 g vegetable margarine or coconut fat


Slice the strawberries and cut them into four more pieces. Place all the sliced strawberries in a large bowl. Add the raw rusks and leave to stand for half an hour (refrigerate). fry the rusks in a frying pan with a little margarine or coconut oil until golden brown on both sides. Serve the rusks warm and garnish with the strawberries. tip: Make sure the rusks are wholemeal and do not contain butter or whey powder.

This recipe comes from our first cookbook vegan kitchen & friends

Green light for a vegan diet.

A vegan diet for pregnant women and small children is possible without any problems, as long as important things are taken into account, such as vitamin B12 supplementation. This statement is supported by three medical specialists who have contributed to my new book “Vegan Love”.

  • Cookbook and guide for pregnancy, breastfeeding, baby and toddler.
  • Basic knowledge and over 80 vegan recipes for a balanced diet.
  • With contributions from three medical specialists on medical safety.

Plenty of vegetables, fruit, nuts, pulses and wholegrain products in the daily diet provide the little body with all the important nutrients. In order to rule out health risks, sound nutritional knowledge, the involvement of nutritional experts and vitamin B12 supplements are required. This book provides the basics. The 80 recipes are well-balanced, of particularly high organic quality and can be prepared in a short time without the need for ready-made products. Starting with the ideal diet when planning to have children, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, through to porridge and solid foods up to the age of three. With valuable contributions from three expert doctors as well as many practical tips and hints for everyday use. Lauren Wildbolz has been meat-free since she was fourteen and now eats a vegan diet with her husband and three-year-old daughter.

Lauren Wildbolz, entrepreneur, food activist, cookbook author and one of the pioneers of vegan food in Switzerland with her “vegan kitchen and bakery”, which opened in 2010. Organizer of vegan cooking courses, blogger and operator of a catering company.

Photos: Andrea Diglas

“Vegan Love” is now available in bookshops. Insights into the book right here.

  • Cookbook and guide for pregnancy, breastfeeding, baby and toddler.
  • Basic knowledge and over 80 vegan recipes for a balanced diet.
  • With contributions from three medical specialists on medical safety.

ISBN: 978-3-03800-921-4
Binding: Hardcover
Length: 240 pages
Weight: 1015 g
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm

Order online right here.



Vegan Love

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Unser zweites Kochbuch ist da! Ab sofort in jedem guten Buchladen erhältlich.

Cruelty free eastern.

At Easter, masses of eggs are once again dyed, “inked” and eaten. Milk chocolate bunnies fill department stores to the ceiling. And the baby lamb as “Gitzi” on the menu in the restaurant is unfortunately also a big seller every Easter. Numerous vegan Easter treats available from Alnatura or your local organic food store show that there are other ways. If you still want to celebrate Easter with your children, you can paint fruit with a hard shell and in no time at all the Easter bananas are born and ready to hide. Find out more here.

Here are four more recipe tips for Easter:

Easter cakes

Fruity Flowers

Raw Eatsern Cheesecake

Home Made Chocolate Bunnies

Happy cruelty free eastern!

Only the best is good enough.

Dear mothers
Together with Eva’s Apples – vegan Store & more we are giving away 5x the fine Baby Shampoo & Wash Gel from Sanctum worth CHF 17. The ingredients are 100% natural and this light foaming gel gently cleanses your baby’s delicate hair and body.

When shopping* in Eva’s Apples’ vegan online store, simply write “Baby” in the comments and you’ll be entered into the prize draw. So order whatever vegan food you like now and, with a bit of luck, win this valuable product for your baby.

Many thanks to Eva`s Apples and SanctumSwitzerland.

*You can also take part in the prize draw by sending an email to with the subject “Baby”.


Autumn dessert. Pumpkin and persimmon crème.


Pumpkin and persimmon cream recipe

(6-7 portions)


1 butternut squash

4 Vaniglia persimmons, peeled

1/2 tsp raw vanilla, dried

5-6 Medjool dates, pitted


  1. Cut the butter pumpkin into small pieces and remove the seeds. Steam the pumpkin pieces in a steamer for 15 minutes and then rinse with cold water.
  2. Remove the skin from all the pumpkin pieces.
  3. Puree all the ingredients in a high-powered blender for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Chill in the fridge for 30 minutes and serve in a small container with dark chocolate.

More about the Vagnila persimmon: Persimmon tree



The vegan tea party


Staged for your children!

A small vegan tea party needs a lot of doll crockery, which can be found at
En Soie
imitation glass
& real
). Lots of soft toys are also a must at a vegan tea party: Exactly this peaceful
piggy mommy
with her
three baby pigs
or rabbits like the one on the far left in the picture can be found
and here. Incidentally, we found the two wooden chairs on the street here in Zurich. The small round table is from a second-hand store. By the way, cake is a must with tea, or would you prefer a muffin? You can find several types of cake in the fabric version
. A delicious zucchini muffin recipe with lemon curd from our Kathryn from New York is attached below (just click on the recipe to enlarge the text).


If you live in Zurich or the surrounding area and can’t find the time to bake our fantastic zucchini muffins, then simply order the mini cupcakes from Michellés Cupcakes here.


And finally: Confetti and garlands you can easily make them yourselfSnowflakes garland instructions can be found here. More inspiration for a vegan kids’ tea party for a birthday can be found you.


The vegan kitchen wishes you a happy vegan tea party!


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