DYE curly free until you DIE

It still seems to be unclear that the “veganity” of a product should be doubly important for cosmetic products.



1. make sure that no animal ingredients are contained.

2. inform yourself thoroughly whether the product has not been tested on animals.


vegan kitchen’s recommendation is therefore the Manic Panic brand:



manicpanic_vegan_hair_dye dyeAway



manicPanic_hair_at_vogue manicPanic_hair_at_bazar




Store hair dyes and bleaches online

Manic Panic on Facebook


Or for a completely natural look:

If it’s 100 percent natural plant-based henna color from Lush in red, brown, and black tones.

=natural henna hair colors..unfortunately not for blondes.



Imputs from Peta

Peta: Cruelty-Free Hair Color

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