Tag: vegan development

21 years of World Vegan Day


World Vegan Day turns 21 years old

The first World Vegan Day was launched on November 1, 1994 by the British Vegan Society to mark its 50th anniversary. The organization was founded in 1944 by Donald Watson.

Vegan is the new yoga


Is veganism still trendy? In the meantime, there can hardly be any talk of a “vegan trend” anymore, the vegan movement has already made it into the mainstream and is on everyone’s lips. The media report on vegan stars, vegan bodybuilders and take up vegan debates.

Vegan restaurants, catering and food trucks are on the rise and the number of vegan products is also increasing enormously. At the last Zurich Street Food Festival, almost every stall offered a vegan option.

This is ultimately due to the growing interest of consumers in the vegan lifestyle and we hope that interest will continue to grow.


Vegan development in Switzerland in figures

1994- World Vegan Day is launched


1997- The company Vegusto produces vegan meat and cheese alternatives from its own Swiss production for the first time


2005- Vegan online store “Larada” supplies Switzerland from Bern


2007- The first podcast is launched on Vegan.ch


2009- The first vegan hotel “Swiss Krone” opens its doors


2010- The first vegan restaurant “Vegan Kitchen & Bakery” opens in Zurich


2011- Around 25,000 vegans live in Switzerland


2011- Foundation of the “Vegan Society Switzerland”


2012- First vegan street festival “Veganmania” takes place in Winterthur


2012- Vegan cooking courses come to the Migros Club School


2012- The green Fairy launches the first vegan organic ice cream in Switzerland


2013- Pretty and Pure, the first store with vegan cosmetics, brushes etc. opens its doors.


2013- Eva Kelemen and her colleague Thomas open the first vegan store in Switzerland


2013- Wholesalers expand their vegan range


2013- Haus Hitlt opens the first Vegi-Metzg in Switzerland


2013- The Vlowers vegan breakfast table takes place for the first time


2014- The Swiss label “The No Animal Brand” launches its first vegan fashion collection on the market


2014- The first vegan magazine called Vlowers is distributed in Zurich and the surrounding area


2014- Vegan food truck “Unmeat” chugs through Switzerland


2014- Vegan restaurant “sanus viventium” receives “Best of Swiss Gastro” award for the first time


2014- Switzerland has around 80,000 vegans


2014- V-Angle is the first vegan online fashion store to dress Switzerland


2015- The Alnatura organic supermarket opens in Zurich and floods the market with over 2000 vegan products


2015- First vegan canteen opens in Zurich


2015- The second vegan magazine in Switzerland, BLAUFUX, is published by the Vegan Society

the story will continue…


by Aris Guzman