Against dreary rainy days, it helps to set up a cozy reading corner to survive the weather with a good vegan cookbook and various fresh summer berries.
You don’t have to turn your living room into a library, there is room for your own book corner even in a small apartment.
Small niches and corners are usually ideal for creating a cozy corner. However, it is important to ensure that there is sufficient light. Ideally, there should be a window nearby that lets in enough sunlight.
I own at least fifty vegan cookbooks
There are also another dozen vegetarian cookbooks.
I have also read other standard vegan books such as the
book by Jonathan Safran Foer “Eating Animals
” or T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell’s “China Study” at home.
But I also have books on“Cooking and Art“,“Cooking and Activism“,“Cooking and Women“and “Cooking and Celebration“.
But unfortunately my beautiful books had been lying dishonorably on the floor for some time after our move.
It was time to give them a noble place to read:
A place near a window is particularly suitable for a reading corner. Many reading researchers have apparently already discovered that a good book and the sweeping view from the window simply belong together, so that the imagination can be stimulated even better. That’s why I chose our most beautiful window, as we have a bay window in our apartment! By the way, the seating area should be arranged so that you’re not sitting facing the window, otherwise the book will be in the shade.
Here you can see the result by clicking on the pictures in large:
All fabrics from IKEA & the topic of sustainability at Ikea right
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