Category: green smoothies
SASU Juice Bar – The naked truth.
Sasu Juice Bar
The host trio. Claudia, José Mari and David, who also own the Saftlade in Niederdorf, have taken over the Sasu from Tiffany and have recently been at work behind the counter with enormous passion and warmth.
The pretty restaurant offers the ideal retreat from the hustle and bustle of Langstrasse and spoils you with a colorful variety of freshly squeezed juices and smoothies and delicious salads. Incidentally, purely organic and plant-based ingredients are used for these and all other homemade specialties, such as an excellent macadamia cheesecake.
Once you enter Sasu, you won’t want to leave in a hurry: The interior here is unique: beautiful wallpaper, a toilet full of flamingos, the delicate aroma of freshly prepared ingredients and numerous other pretty details.
The offerings, such as the generous salad bowls (16 francs) with a wonderfully light dressing and a dollop of homemade cashew cream cheese, taste fantastic.
Sasu Juice Bar, Neugasse 41, 8005 Zurich
All pictures from the Sasu Facbook page
Wild herbs Contribution by Ruth
Tuesday 18 April Green Smoothie market visit all info
Lauren Wildbolz is on the hunt for herbs and vegetables at Helvetiaplatz. I got to know Lauren when she opened her first vegan restaurant in Zurich and asked me if I could make her Kräuter-Kränzli for the opening.
I was very happy to do this and since then she has been coming regularly to our market stall to buy her herbs and vegetables.
Herbs are my passion. Of course, this also includes
wild herbs
which are still authentic in their mineral and vitamin compositions and which above all have advantages over cultivated herbs.
At the same time, they are a link to cooked and raw food and, more so than cultivated herbs, they contain important compounds that are essential and therefore unadulterated and not bred out (e.g. bitter substances in salads and vegetables).
The large farms are no longer able to produce a variety of crops, so over the last 50 years it has developed that such farms all grow roughly the same thing. The superiority over small farmers is very great.
To track down wild herbs, you need a lot of knowledge, a little courage and a lot of time. But they are not yet lost, and we can even find them on our doorstep, in our own garden or on the balcony, as long as we don’t pull them out unknowingly!
In keeping with the theme of the new
Lauren Wildbolz book VEGAN LOVE
here are a few examples for moms-to-be, moms-waiting and moms-to-be:
Nettle: What an indispensable plant and not interchangeable with any other (Rudolf Steiner). Harvested green as a side dish with potato stock (nettle spinach)
Tea infusion with fresh or dried leaves
As an addition to herbal salt or cooked as a soup! Wonderful!
Nettle root extract in fruit vinegar for a foot bath (leave to infuse for 2-3 weeks in a warm place in a closed jar).
Ingredients: Histamine, acetylochine, yellow gall and formic acid, vitamins A and C, iron, magnesium, silicon, sodium, potassium and calcium.
This is just an example, because there are many more plants that are of great value during pregnancy, such as lady’s mantle, Bellisperemnis, Malva sylvestris (bird’s-eye weed – high vitamin C content).
Now to a monastic herb of the rue (Ruta graveolens), a strong-smelling and not unproblematic phenomenon, as it produces substances on its leaves during photosynthesis that can easily lead to inflammation of the skin and sometimes cause real burns (should not go unmentioned in this context).
It also has laxative and pregnancy-preventing properties. Therefore not to be used before or during a desired pregnancy.
Otherwise, use sparingly in salads in the kitchen or spread a few leaves on a soy cream cheese sandwich or church pea puree (hummus), an enrichment!
Ingredients: essential oil, alkaloids, flavone, ruby
Ruth Gerber, organic gardener and herb specialist
Organic Birchhof, Roger Gündel Oberwil-Lieli
If you would like to meet Ruth in person, you can do so spontaneously next Tuesday at the Green Smoothie Market visit, all information here.
Happy Valentine.
The Valentine Green Smoothie Bowl
1 handful of organic spinach1 handful of organic kale
1 tsp bourbon vanilla seeds, dried Water
a few fresh peppermint leaves
1 pinch of spirulina powder
3 pcs. Edible roses (globe or organic from the garden)
1 tbsp chia seeds
10 g shredded coconut, ground
10g sesame seeds, unpeeled
Preparation for 1 bowl
Have a bowl ready. Rinse all fresh ingredients well with cold water. Cut the pear in half. Place half of the fruit in the high-powered blender, add the spinach, kale, half of the peppermint and the vanilla together with the water and blend for approx. 90 seconds at the highest setting. Meanwhile, cut the other pear halves into mouth-sized pieces and add to the bowl. Pour the green smoothie mix into the bowl and garnish with the remaining ingredients. Enjoy with a soup spoon.
Vegan restaurants
Vegetarian with vegan menus
vegan friendly
Herbal pleasure with Ruth
A Green Smoothie a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
But what are these green smoothies?
Green Smoothies were created in 1994 by
Victora Boutenko
and have enjoyed increasing popularity ever since. This is understandable, because with green smoothies we have finally found a way to consume the wonderful chlorophyll* in a delicious and digestible way.
Health and well-being are noticeably improved and men/women are given a surprising amount of energy. This is due to the many vitamins and minerals and, above all, the “living” ingredients that make up your green smoothie.
At a time when more and more convenience products are being consumed and there is less and less time available to prepare balanced and fresh food, it is absolutely essential to eat living power foods without having to radically change your usual diet. Prepare one liter a day and enjoy a glass of green smoothie between meals. This deacidifies, purifies and permanently regulates the body’s pH value and helps you to achieve your desired weight.
* Chlorophyll (from ancient Greek χλωρός chlōrós “light green, fresh” and φύλλον phýllon “leaf”) or leaf green refers to a class of natural pigments produced by organisms that photosynthesize. Plants in particular get their green color from chlorophyll molecules. Plants, algae and cyanobacteria have different types of chlorophyll, photosynthesizing bacteria have different types of bacteriochlorophyll. (Source: Wikipedia)
Recommendations for preparing green smoothies
Recommendation 1
Leafy greens, fruit and seeds belong in the smoothie, but not starchy vegetables, tubers and sugar. These make up a third component in the smoothie and would make the smoothie easier to digest over a longer period of time.
process, which would start a fermentation process of the fruits in the stomach (fruits and leafy greens are easily digestible, starchy foods have a longer digestion time).
Recommendation 2
Leafy greens are not only found in salads, but also in carrot, radish, collrabi, fennel, chewing stalk, chard, etc. However, most chlorophyll, essential amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, proteins, minerals and antioxidants are found outside in nature: wild herbs, medicinal herbs and garden herbs are the kings and queens of the green smoothie.
Recommendation 3
Drink the smoothie as a snack or as a meal replacement (make yourself a smoothie muesli) and your digestion will no longer cause you any problems. You can eat other foods approx. 3 hours before or 2 hours after the green smoothie. A green smoothie is also an excellent breakfast substitute. Drunk on an empty stomach, the Green Smoothie provides your body with many vital nutrients and supplies it with enough water to start the day with sufficient energy.
Recommendation 4
Don’t use 15 different ingredients in green smoothies.
This not only confuses the taste buds, but can also confuse your stomach.
As a recommendation, you can use 4-6 ingredients, e.g. Bananas, apple, lemons, cucumber, spinach and water.
The classic par excellence! This makes it easier for the body to absorb the nutrients and for your palate to identify the individual flavors and highlights.
Get started right away?
The next green smoothie course will take place on January 28, 28.1.16 at 18:30 in the Kochevents Studio with Lauren Wildbolz at Waffenplatzstrasse 11 in 8002 Zurich.
There are still a few places available: we accept direct registrations by e-mail to info@vegankitchen.ch.
Book tip:
GREEN FOR LIFE By Viktoria Boutenko
vegan kitchen& friends
cookbook and a practical guide to wild herbs.
New cooking courses for 2016!
The Green Smoothie Revolution
INFO: Click on the picture to enlarge the recipe!
You can find more inspiring green smoothie recipes
Recipe by Lauren from our cookbook
vegan kitchen and friends
S. 228-229
Healthy green Smoohtie Workshop at the ZHdK
Yesterday evening (26.5.2015) our healthy green smoothie workshop took place for the first time in the Molki at the Zurich University of the Arts. It was a full course through and through, which was also accompanied by two film teams (Tele Züri and Schweizerfernsehen). Here are some impressions from our evening.
The next healthy green smoothie workshop will take place on 25.6.2015: You can find all the information