Category: Publications

My new vegan Cookbook Corner


Against dreary rainy days, it helps to set up a cozy reading corner to survive the weather with a good vegan cookbook and various fresh summer berries.

You don’t have to turn your living room into a library, there is room for your own book corner even in a small apartment.

Small niches and corners are usually ideal for creating a cozy corner. However, it is important to ensure that there is sufficient light. Ideally, there should be a window nearby that lets in enough sunlight.

I own at least fifty vegan cookbooks

There are also another dozen vegetarian cookbooks.

I have also read other standard vegan books such as the
book by Jonathan Safran Foer “Eating Animals
” or T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell’s “China Study” at home.

But I also have books on“Cooking and Art“,“Cooking and Activism“,“Cooking and Womenand “Cooking and Celebration“.

But unfortunately my beautiful books had been lying dishonorably on the floor for some time after our move.

It was time to give them a noble place to read:

A place near a window is particularly suitable for a reading corner. Many reading researchers have apparently already discovered that a good book and the sweeping view from the window simply belong together, so that the imagination can be stimulated even better. That’s why I chose our most beautiful window, as we have a bay window in our apartment! By the way, the seating area should be arranged so that you’re not sitting facing the window, otherwise the book will be in the shade.

Here you can see the result by clicking on the pictures in large:

IKEA_August16_2_0063 2 IKEA_August16_3_0050 2 IKEA_August16_5_0070 2 IKEA_August16_6_0051 2 IKEA_August16_7_0049 2 IKEA_August16_8_0074 2 IKEA_August16_11_0036 2

All fabrics from IKEA & the topic of sustainability at Ikea right




Red body
black over bodysuit
red belt
from LYN Lingery, gold star medal belt from the second-hand shop, Necklace with gold frogs 9Karat (lucky charm) from V-Angle,
-scarf (a Palestinian handicraft) worn once as a headscarf and once as a cloak by
SEP Jordan
to be found in the
Gerold Garden
. Leggings from the secondhand. Platform pumps from Crie de Coeur to buy online in Switzerland, also at V-Angle.



Waistcoat Jacket
by Inti Ferreira, to buy online at
White body
white overbody
from LYN Lingery, leggings- tights from the Brocki.
Cork bracelets from Artelusa
to find at
High heels sandals from OlsenHaus
also at V Angle.




, Matthias Dömötör


Laura Penelope Baumgärtner


You can find out even more about Laura Penelope in our vegan kitchen tv pilot, which is still in production ->COMING SOON!


With many thanks to the Hofnarr, V-Angle, LYN Lingery and Sanikai.





The colors of the Rastafarian movement are red (red for the bloodshed and murders of the abducted slaves)

Red bodysuit, as well as black overbody & red belt from LYN Lingery, gold star medal belt from secondhand, necklace with gold frogs 9Karat (lucky charm) from V-Angle, Kufiya scarf(a Palestinian handicraft) worn once as a headscarf and once as a cape by SEP Jordan to be found in the Geroldgarten at Sanikai. Leggings from the secondhand. Platform pumps from Crie de Coeur to buy online in Switzerland, also at V-Angle.



Green (for the promised motherland Ethiopia or Africa in general, which awaits the return of the abductees)

Gray and black waistcoatjacket by Inti Ferreira, available online at V-Angle. White bodysuit and white overbody from LYN Lingery, leggings-tights from Brocki. Cork bracelets by Artelusa, to be found at V-Angel. High heels sandals from OlsenHaus, also at V Angle.



…and gold ( for the wealth taken from the slaves, Sufferahs, “sufferers”).




Prospektivfilm, Matthias Dömötör


Laura Penelope Baumgärtner

Instagram & Facebook

You can find out even more about Laura Penelope in our vegan kitchen tv pilot, which is still in production ->COMING SOON!

A Green Smoothie a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

But what are these green smoothies?

Green Smoothies were created in 1994 by
Victora Boutenko
and have enjoyed increasing popularity ever since. This is understandable, because with green smoothies we have finally found a way to consume the wonderful chlorophyll* in a delicious and digestible way.

Health and well-being are noticeably improved and men/women are given a surprising amount of energy. This is due to the many vitamins and minerals and, above all, the “living” ingredients that make up your green smoothie.

At a time when more and more convenience products are being consumed and there is less and less time available to prepare balanced and fresh food, it is absolutely essential to eat living power foods without having to radically change your usual diet. Prepare one liter a day and enjoy a glass of green smoothie between meals. This deacidifies, purifies and permanently regulates the body’s pH value and helps you to achieve your desired weight.

* Chlorophyll (from ancient Greek χλωρός chlōrós “light green, fresh” and φύλλον phýllon “leaf”) or leaf green refers to a class of natural pigments produced by organisms that photosynthesize. Plants in particular get their green color from chlorophyll molecules. Plants, algae and cyanobacteria have different types of chlorophyll, photosynthesizing bacteria have different types of bacteriochlorophyll. (Source: Wikipedia)




Recommendations for preparing green smoothies

Recommendation 1

Leafy greens, fruit and seeds belong in the smoothie, but not starchy vegetables, tubers and sugar. These make up a third component in the smoothie and would make the smoothie easier to digest over a longer period of time.

process, which would start a fermentation process of the fruits in the stomach (fruits and leafy greens are easily digestible, starchy foods have a longer digestion time).

Recommendation 2

Leafy greens are not only found in salads, but also in carrot, radish, collrabi, fennel, chewing stalk, chard, etc. However, most chlorophyll, essential amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, proteins, minerals and antioxidants are found outside in nature: wild herbs, medicinal herbs and garden herbs are the kings and queens of the green smoothie.


Nettle smoothie-PICT50361

Recommendation 3

Drink the smoothie as a snack or as a meal replacement (make yourself a smoothie muesli) and your digestion will no longer cause you any problems. You can eat other foods approx. 3 hours before or 2 hours after the green smoothie. A green smoothie is also an excellent breakfast substitute. Drunk on an empty stomach, the Green Smoothie provides your body with many vital nutrients and supplies it with enough water to start the day with sufficient energy.


Recommendation 4

Don’t use 15 different ingredients in green smoothies.

This not only confuses the taste buds, but can also confuse your stomach.

As a recommendation, you can use 4-6 ingredients, e.g. Bananas, apple, lemons, cucumber, spinach and water.

The classic par excellence! This makes it easier for the body to absorb the nutrients and for your palate to identify the individual flavors and highlights.

Get started right away?

The next green smoothie course will take place on January 28, 28.1.16 at 18:30 in the Kochevents Studio with Lauren Wildbolz at Waffenplatzstrasse 11 in 8002 Zurich.

There are still a few places available: we accept direct registrations by e-mail to




Book tip:
GREEN FOR LIFE By Viktoria Boutenko
vegan kitchen& friends
cookbook and a practical guide to wild herbs.

The new program booklet is here!

forum_for_contemporary_nutritionThe most exquisite vegan and organic cooking courses are not available at the Mirgos Club School or at Hiltle.

The most exquisite cooking courses for the refined palate can be found in the new program booklet from the Forum für zeitgemässe Ernährung. Unfortunately, most of the courses take place in Basel – perhaps a little closer for those not from Zurich?

We have picked out three vegan gems from the vegetarian cooking course program for you and are also presenting the course where we ourselves are represented.


Sat 23. 4. 16

The green wild ones – Culinary health care // Arlesheim // Wild herb hike in spring

Wild herbs and the first early bloomers harmonize well with the natural
cereal cuisine and provide valuable ingredients for health. So
off to natural meadows and forests! Dorisa Winkenbach guides us
there and guides us in discovering wild plants. We feel
we smell and taste them. How we determine our discoveries
and learn to distinguish between them. After the voyage of discovery
it’s off to the kitchen. There we prepare a wild herb menu together
to. You will learn important and interesting facts about its use,
Quantity, combination and healing effects of wild plants. In addition
You will find recipes for vegetarian or vegan meals, practical
Tips and suggestions. There is room for everything here – not least for
Socializing, when we enjoy together as the crowning glory of the day what
bring us the savages.

Time: 9.30-17 h
Place: Arlesheim
Costs: Fr. 130.-, For members of the Forum für zeitgemässe Ernährung only Fr. 110.-


Dorisa Winkenbach

is a wild plant expert, writes books and works artistically.

Register here.


Mon 27.06.16

Tofu, seitan and tempeh // Basel // Cooking course

Tofu, seitan and tempeh are more than just an alternative to meat.
modern Western cuisine for some time now and are the
The basis for numerous creative creations. Andreas Bossert – with more
more than 30 years of experience in this field and macrobiotic training
– will explain the production process to you in this course and familiarize you with
different types of preparation. It provides you with imaginative
Recipes from starters to desserts and expand your kitchen knowledge
about these plant proteins. Vegetarian cooking and vegan
Delicacies become pleasurable additions or everyday cuisine.

Time: 18-22 h
Place: Basel
Costs: Fr. 110.-, For members of the Forum für zeitgemässe Ernährung only Fr. 90.-
Management: Andreas Bossert is a self-employed catering chef in Switzerland and abroad.



Tue 27.09.16

Probiotic power – homemade // Basel // Cooking course

A healthy intestinal flora is very important for good digestion. Sugared,
Probiotic yogurts and drinks support the intestinal flora
not effective because sugar inhibits the growth of the “good” intestinal bacteria.
inhibits. Small amounts of raw, fermented foods help a lot
better. Raw sauerkraut, for example. If you want a change,
ferment yourself! It’s not that difficult. In this course
learn about the role of intestinal flora and digestion. We taste
various fermented foods and introduce kefir, kim chi
and kombucha yourself. You will also receive a starter kit for your home!

Time: 19-22 h
Place: Basel
Costs: Fr. 90.-, For members of the Forum für zeitgemässe Ernährung only Fr. 80.-
Aletta Karsies van Eeden
is a biologist with additional training
as a health coach and nutritionist.
Register here.



By the way, we are also taking part in the Forum for Contemporary Nutrition this year: Lauren Wildbolz is teaching the cooking course

“Sufficient protein in the vegan kitchen – thanks to clever food combinations”

in the Markhalle in Basel. You can find all information about this course here.

Your privilege, what’s up with that?

M.I.A. in Borders
latest song
in the direction of bourgeois indifference. Look, it’s so easy to sing cleverly and cool about police violence, poverty and the refugee crisis. It’s that easy to create images that couldn’t come from an aid organization’s promotional video and are impressive for that very reason. But “Borders”, the title of the British rapper’s song released last week, doesn’t just have to hurt other artists. But first and foremost: us: the fact that we simply accept what is happening in the world without anger or courage is an issue and should challenge us. Source
Süddeutsche Zeitung

What you can do:

Where you should go:


Screenshot 2015-11-30 at 17.05.16Screenshot 2015-11-30 at 17.01.50


/ Lyrics/
whole song
music video

I don’t need ’em
Where’s your rhythm?
This world needs a brand new rhythm
We done the key
We done them key them to lie
Let’s beat ’em
We them smartphones done beat ’em

What’s up with that?
What’s up with that?
Police shots
What’s up with that?
What’s up with that?
Your privilege
What’s up with that?
Broke people
What’s up with that?
Boat people
What’s up with that?
The realness
What’s up with that?
The new world
What’s up with that?
I’m gonna keep up on all that

Guns blow doors to the system
Yeah f*ck ’em when we say we’re not with them
We’re solid and we don’t need to kick them
This is North, South, East and Western

Guns blow doors to the system
Yeah f*ck ’em when we say we’re not with them
We’re solid and we don’t need to kick them
This is North, South, East and Western

What’s up with that?
Killin’ it
What’s up with that?
Slayin’ it
What’s up with that?
Your goals
What’s up with that?
Leg’ bae
What’s up with that?
Makin’ money
What’s up with that?
Breakin’ internet
What’s up with that?
Love wins
What’s up with that?
Livin’ it
What’s up with that?
Leg’ real
What’s up with that?

Guns blow doors to the system
Yeah f*ck ’em when we say we’re not with them
We’re solid and we don’t need to kick them
This is North, South, East and Western

We’re representing peeps
Let them play us on the air
When we’re talking in our sleep, does it listen on a system?
We’re sittin’ in the stoop
Where we get our scoop
This is how we keep it cool and this is how we do

We’re representing peeps
Let them play us on the air
When we’re talking in our sleep, does it listen on a system?
We’re sittin’ in the stoop
Where we get our scoop
This is how we keep it cool and this is how we do

What’s up with that?
Your values
What’s up with that?
Your beliefs
What’s up with that?
Your families
What’s up with that?
What’s up with that?
Your future
What’s up with that?
My boys
What’s up with that?
My girls
What’s up with that?
What’s up with that?
Your power
What’s up with that?

Guns blow doors to the system
Yeah f*ck ’em when we say we’re not with them
We’re solid and we don’t need to kick them
This is North, South, East and Western

Guns blow doors to the system
Yeah f*ck ’em when we say we’re not with them
We’re solid and we don’t need to kick them
This is North, South, East and Western

We’re representing peeps
Let them play us on the air
When we’re talking in our sleep, does it listen on a system?
We’re sittin’ in the stoop
Where we get our scoop
This is how we keep it cool and this is how we do

We’re representing peeps
Let them play us on the air
When we’re talking in our sleep, does it listen on a system?
We’re sittin’ in the stoop
Where we get our scoop
This is how we keep it cool and this is how we do

The song ends with “Gonna keep up on all that,
Gonna be doing it like that”

Therefore, say no to indifference.

What you can do: here.

Where you should go: here.